Choristers up close - Stephen Jones

Stephen Jones
Section - Baritone

How did you come to join Risca Male Choir?

At home, I sing along to my acoustic guitar, mostly in a pop – rock style. I wanted something more challenging in the way of supervised, directed singing. I looked for the local male choir and walked through the door.

How long have you been with our choir, and what are the things which have helped you stay?

I joined Risca Male Choir in July 2015, just prior to Martin Hodson’s retirement concert in which I took part.

What music do you particularly enjoy singing and why?

I enjoy nearly all the pieces we have practiced and performed.

Amongst the highlights for me have been: Bristol Roads (Mervyn Burtch) which we sang at Martin’s retirement concert, Sure on this shining night (Morten Lauridsen), Into the West, and all the stirring Welsh hymns.

Have you had any memorable musical moments that gave you pride and satisfaction?

Outside of choir I normally work on my own. It’s an enjoyable change for me to perform as part of a team, whether it be at a large concert or smaller gigs of one kind or another which I can usually attend.

Singing on the France – Belgium tour was most rewarding. One evening we sang at the Menin Gate, Ypres, in front of the many people who had turned up to hear The Last Post played by buglers at 8.00 in the evening. The a cappella performance by our choir had a hug emotional charge for both us and the audience. Not a dry eye!

Tell us briefly about your life outside of choir

I live near the Ynysfro Reservoirs in Rogerstone. We have some land there, and more near Bath which I manage. I’m a regular drinker of lager such as Stella and Madri. I read a lot – mostly the classics. I’m happy to cook for large family parties when called for. We like Tenby, especially out of season when we can take the dogs on the beach.

A final thought, if you have one

As I write, I'm sitting at my sixth floor holiday work station looking directly down into the harbour at Tenby. The tide is in and there is a morning haze.

The choir provides a consistent intellectual challenge which I enjoy - most of the time, and has opened up musical vistas with which I wasn't familiar. 

Even so, being a choir member hasn't unravelled the mystery of why Welsh male choir voices seem to outshine any others, but perhaps that riddle is part of the enjoyment!


The never-ending story of the upkeep of Risca Male Choir Headquarters Part 6


Risca Male Choir - Blog #24