Choristers up close - Peter Wells

Peter Wells
Section - Baritone

How did you come to join Risca Male Choir?

I have always had an ambition to join a male voice choir when having more time to commit in my approach to retirement.

I met choir bass, Trevor Baker, a few years ago through our wives’ long term involvement with the Risca circuit trainers. Every time we met he was extolling the virtues of RMC and urging me to join.

Once through the doors at HQ, I have not looked back and wish I had joined earlier!

We realise that you’ve only been with the choir for a relatively short time, but what are the things which have helped you stay so far?

I have been hugely impressed by the quality of the singing, the ambition of the choir and the fun and friendship amongst the choristers. Also the professionalism of the music team, the variety of the repertoire and the wonderful musical arrangements of Director Emeritus, Martin Hodson.

It has also been great to reconnect with previous work colleagues from Monsanto, the local rugby community and even with a childhood friend from caravan holidays in Newgale in the shape of another choir bass, Leigh Tucker.

I have been lucky to benefit from the guidance of Martin and other experienced baritones including Steve Wiltshire and Chris Denham sitting around me.

What music have you particularly enjoyed singing and why?

I have enjoyed the wide variety of music in the choir’s repertoire.

I particularly love the passion of traditional Welsh songs and hymns. Perhaps it was being brought up in Neyland in Pembrokeshire, a town similar to Risca, with four chapels on the High Street within 800 yards of each other. My mother was a long standing member of one of the chapels and also Neyland Ladies choirs.

My favourite pieces thus far include Ar Hyd y Nos, Anfonaf Angel, Y Tangnefeddwyr, Goin’ up a yonder and Tydi a Roddaist.

What do you think you might look forward to in the future, perhaps having heard from longer serving choristers of memorable moments in the past?

I am looking forward to our ‘Covid delayed’ tour and singing at special venues in the UK and abroad with this fantastic choir.

Hopefully there will also be a belated appearance in the National Eisteddfod.

Tell us briefly about your life outside of choir

I am married and have three children, all now in their 20s.

After studying at Aston University in Birmingham, and a student apprenticeship with Michelin Tyres, I returned to Wales to join Monsanto, Newport in 1985.

I have played rugby locally for Newport Saracens and Rogerstone in past years and was briefly a member of Graig Operatic Society in the late 1980s when they were allegedly short of men for the chorus!

I am a director of mechanical and electrical consulting engineers, Hoare Lea in Cardiff, and have worked with the firm for over 30 years. In this time I have been fortunate to lead our sports and leisure sector on high profile national and international projects.

We are regular visitors to the West Wales coast and I love kayaking and swimming in the sea in Cardigan Bay. I am also a keen traveller.

As with most Dads, my work and family have been my main focus over the past 25 years or so.

A final thought, if you have one

There is still much learning to do! I look forward to the challenges ahead with MD Tomos and the choristers of RMC.


Covid update March 2022


Risca Male Choir - Blog #23