Covid update March 2022

The Covid pandemic has hit us all hard, and Risca Male Choir was no exception.

However, with infection rates declining and the restrictions in Wales being eased, we have reviewed our risk assessments and are getting back to a new normal.

It’s very important that we keep all of our members and the music team as safe as possible.

As you’d expect, in practices we have several safety measures including a temperature check for everyone before each meeting, we monitor ventilation with a CO2 monitor, and most importantly we insist on a negative flow test before attending.

This allows us to return to concerts, with adequate ventilation a key factor in all venues, because of course, we need to keep audiences safe as well.

We are actively looking for new recruits to help us sing our way to a brighter, better and safer future.

Come along and give it a try. You’re assured of a great welcome!

Paul Phillips, Chairman RMC.


Risca Male Choir - Blog #24


Choristers up close - Peter Wells