Name: Tony Kear
Section: Baritone
Date of joining RMC: September 2024
How did you come to join Risca Male Choir?
Having made a difficult decision to change choir, I was recommended 3 local alternatives. Key aspects to assess were: quality, musical direction, ambition, repertoire, teamwork and the welcome. (It’s not easy walking into a room full of strangers!) During this timeframe, I watched the Eisteddfod and the RMC performance was mesmerising - indeed the only choir I watched all 3 pieces in full. The introductory groundwork to RMC had been done via my fellow chorister Brian Davies (Bass). So whilst not quite holding hands together (!) we arrived at HQ to firstly listen, and then participate after an unexpected half time singing introduction to MD Matt. What I heard, saw and experienced totally exceeded aspects 1, 2 and 5 above. Decision made. Diolch!
We realise that you’ve only been with the choir for a short time, but what are the elements you have most enjoyed so far that have encouraged you to stay?
It’s been tough - a whole new repertoire, and even the many pieces I did know have different versions here. But….. the buddying system is key. It was clear to me that the proud choral history is at the heart of RMC but combined with the recognised desire to move forward. That manifested itself in the support I have been given by fellow baritones Andy, Chris D and Robin. As daft as it sounds, the proactive availability of sheet music helps (!) and the use of initially ChoirMate recordings, followed by other musical apps also demonstrated that RMC was not going to rest on the laurels of its Eisteddfod win (or its history - so often a mistake that can be made). Added to this was Matt’s desire to take the quality of the sound to another level. Throw in discipline, competition ambition, numbers at practice, and the continued weekly warm welcome, has for me stationed RMC in the Premiership of Choirs.
What music have you particularly enjoyed learning and singing and explain why?
I think I’m up to over 30 new pieces or versions of repertoire now in 6 months, with the Christmas concert making up the bulk. Favourites? A bit like saying which is my favourite son or daughter! Music for me has to have meaning. Often personal. So in choosing 5 I’ve opted for and in no particular order:
Gonna rise up singing - I played the ChoirMate version on my birthday. The Lyrics, the music the bounce. How can you not smile.
Fix you. I heard it first at the Usk concert. Hair raising. Most of the plays on YouTube are mine! Everything in that performance and the background to it, is what RMC is about.
Into the West. Being a lifelong Annie Lennox fan is a good starter, but the lyrics have such (personal) meaning and brought alive to me by Martin Hodson’s provenance explanation in practice.
Llef. I first learned this piece as part of performing with the Welsh National Opera in Blaze of Glory at the Bristol Hippodrome. So it has history for me. But the quality performances at practice for me has forced this traditional Welsh number into the top 5.
Crossing the bar. My favourite new piece. It’s tough. It’s musically and fantastically all over the place as a four part harmony! Yes - In its infancy in terms of performance quality but I sense this is going to be “up there” with the best.
Can I throw in one in want to learn? Tough if not! Hiraeth. Eisteddfod. Say no more!
What memorable choir moments, on or off stage, have given you particular pride and satisfaction?
Passing my solo test with Matt! It did mean a great deal to reach a standard considered good enough that meant I could “stage”
The Usk concert. RMC was the talk the town. Not to mention £1500 raised. it had been c 4 years since I had been in an audience rather than on stage and well. Wow just wow!
The Duchess of Cornwall, now Queen Camilla with Tony in Usk
Every time I go into the practice room. The standard has encouraged me to take singing lessons to keep up.
Christmas at Vittorio’s. Sums up the social aspect of the choir. So important. Thank you Mike.
Tell us briefly about your life outside of choir
Married to my Wife Kim with 4 kids and now 2 granddaughters. Mrs K is in Lleisiau Torfaen mixed choir. I’m a corporate banker of 40 years specialising in healthcare, now with a Dutch bank Triodos. Mrs K is a diabetic specialist nurse and retiring soon after 42 years in the NHS. I’m an elected County Councillor for my home town of Usk where I was Mayor in 2008/9. Cricket was my sport and then officiating at Premier league level. Then came Marathon running including 1 ultra 44 mile version in France.
I combined both by running my last “London” in fancy dress, all in my official umpire kit. I led Usk in Bloom for 9 years winning 8 Welsh Titles, 1 UK Title and became World champions in 2018. I’m Chair of Usk Civic Society, Usk business group and Monmouthshire Conservative County Councillor Group. Gardening is a passion - I ran my own gardening business for a while after COVID. As is musical theatre. Work training in London took me regularly to the West End and I guess where my love of stage music began. I’ve just watched my latest London performance. Operation Mincemeat. “Dear Bill” is just brilliant.
A final thought, if you have one
I so wish I started singing earlier than I did. (2020)