Sponsoring Risca Male Choir
A few good reasons to advertise your business with Risca Male Choir
We will provide you with a backlink to your business by clicking on your logo
Risca Male Choir gets over 2,500 views every month. (From Jan 2021 to Aug 2021 there have been 20,000 page views!)
75% of the traffic is from the UK, in particular, Wales. The remaining interest comes from abroad, including America, Australia and much of Europe
Choral activities in general appeal to the older generation, with our audiences and website readers being in the 50+ bracket: a generation with surplus finance to spend!
Take advantage of advertising with us which will only cost you £50.00 per annum, less than £1.00 a week.
For more details please contact Ian Meredith on 07932 066 850 or use our CONTACT page to leave a message. We’d be very pleased to hear from you.