Risca Male Choir

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Choristers up close - Ian Meredith

Ian Meredith - Vice Chairman
Section: Tenor 1

How did you come to join Risca Male Choir?

I had the pleasure of attending the armistice concert back in 2014 at the Moriah Church and sat right opposite the choir. My wife was telling me how good it would be if I joined, and coming from London I was trying to tell her that I would never be accepted into a Welsh choir. Anyway to cut a long story short, I advised her that if she did all the leg work and got me a meeting with the choir then I would join. This was on the Friday evening and I thought ‘That’s the last I will hear of this’.

The following Monday I received a phone call from my good lady to advise me that I needed to go to a rehearsal on the Thursday night for a voice test; and the rest as they say, is history. And I must say, it’s one of the best things I have ever done in my life.

How long have you been with our choir, and what are the things which have helped you stay?

I have now been with the choir for what is coming up to 6 years and found that the friendliness and welcoming atmosphere is something to behold. Not only have I joined a fantastic choir, but also made some lifelong friends along the way.

Members of the choir are like an extended family: we look out for each other and reach out to each other in times of need, especially during these unprecedented times we find ourselves in.

On top of this is the social side of the choir. This is second to none, and a great way to get to know your fellow choristers. I was taken under the wing of a fellow top tenor by the name of John Watkins who I have the pleasure to sing alongside to this day. He made sure I knew what to do and pushed me to better myself and sing without the words, and for that John I thank you.

As well as this I was inducted into the choir by three old hands. One of them was a founding member, who unfortunately is no longer with us. However, he will never be forgotten. His name is Gordon Holley, and he, along with his two sidekicks, Trevor Baker and Howard Morgan, showed me the musical ropes and the social side of the choir.

What music do you particularly enjoy singing and why?

I love to sing almost all of the repertoire of the choir. However, I really like the more meaningful pieces that I can relate to, especially the remembrance pieces we sing for our fallen heroes: being an ex-serviceman myself, it gives me a great sense of pride to sing and remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our great nation.

Have you had any memorable musical moments that gave you pride and satisfaction?

As stated, the remembrance concerts always stand out in my mind. However, our unique themed concerts are always very exciting and fun, and I have, on occasion, had the pleasure to sing a small but significant solo part, most notably the cockney verse in “Supercalifragilsiticexpialidocious” (hope the spelling is correct), as I have been told that I do a very good London accent!!

Tell us briefly about your life outside of choir

I am a family man at heart and enjoy my family time. However, this can be interrupted by my day to day work schedule as a Regional Operations Manager. I’m a keen golfer, too, and play as often as possible, and I also like a good night out with friends. My door is always open, and the kettle is always ready should you ever feel the need to pop round for a chat.

A final thought, if you have one

All I can say is that since I’ve joined the choir, I have found new friends, a fantastic vocation, and also an amazing stress reliever after a hectic working week. My only regret about the choir is that after living in Risca for nearly 16 years, I never joined the sooner. If you are looking for a great way to meet new people and new friends, and enjoy a “good sing song”, as my wife puts it, then there is no better place to be. The hardest part is walking through the door for the first time: the rest is plain sailing.