Motor Neurone Disease Association Charity Concert.
The why and how, with Risca Male Choir
The project initially began not that long ago, in December 2023. It was the role of the newly commissioned (by RMC’s committee), PR and Recruitment Team to try and get some bodies over the threshold of RMC’s HQ. This is usually the part everyone dreads before they join RMC. This project was to help bring some new blood to the choir, to continue ‘The Sound’ that RMC is famous for, and continue the existence of RMC for future generations and decades to come.
Advice is very active at present amongst the Male Choir community throughout the UK, into how to attract new members to a choral group. Peterborough Sings a conference held in 2023 gave an insightful look into methods of recruitment. One way was demonstrated by Snowdown Colliery Male Voice Choir in Aylesham, Kent. It certainly drew our attention including that of Music Director Matthew Harrison and Music Director Emeritus, Martin Hodson MBE. As a PR group, we confirmed that this was a good way to recruit, engage younger singers, enhance relevance of choral singing and amplify the health benefits of singing. The conference just confirmed our first thoughts and the discussions started on how to achieve this and which Charity to choose?
Already in planning for RMC was a tour to Leeds, in July 2024 (organised by Tour Manager, Alan Davis). Media coverage at that time was displaying the battle that people, affected by Motor Neurone Disease were fighting, and the devastating affects it has on family’s lives. The work of Rob Burrows and Kevin Sinfield seemed to be so visible, read about, or heard about on every media and social platform available.
With RMC heading to the rugby home of Burrows and Sinfield (Leeds Rhinos), we looked further into Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and its prevalence within our area. We found close connections within the Risca and surrounding communities from local rugby club support for the charity, members aware of people with the disorder and finally the difficulties of living with the condition through website searches and the Motor Neurone Disease association website itself. Once we had chosen MND as our charity for the whole of 2024 supported by the whole of RMC, it was almost as if a divine blessing occurred. The week after that decision was made, we were asked to sing at the home of a supporter of RMC. A supporter that was living with MND, but due to health deterioration could no longer attend concerts. It seemed a totally fitting and a memorable way to kick start our fundraising venture and thanks to 16 or so of RMC, armed with the piano and Music Director Emeritus, Martin Hodson MBE, at the helm, some Christmas repertoire expressing joy, peace, friendship and love were shared with that lady and her family on 19th December 2023. A donation made to RMC’s MND association (MNDa), the fund was officially opened.
A plan was discussed and agreed by the eight members of the PR and Recruitment Team with the agreement of the RMC committee. We were told to go ahead with the ambitious project and regular reports came in regarding progress at the monthly committee meetings.
First came the venue choice which was not the easiest to secure due to the size of venue required, facilities available and cost factors. Meetings developed with Rougemont School thanks to the connection with teacher, Mr Savery (RMC Bass), or to us in choir, just Martin.
We had meetings with the Regional Fundraiser for the Devolved Nations, Richard Shackleford of the MNDa. He gave us even more shocking facts regarding MND and the work of the MNDa. Most significantly, 120-150 families are using MNDa resources in the Southeast Wales area, and the MNDa is totally self-funded by donations. This made us more determined to push ahead and make the event a total success, not only for RMC, but most importantly for the MNDa.
Decisions, decisions!!! A good number for a choir? 50 men was agreed by all in the PR and Recruitment Team as a good figure. Now we had an idea, a purpose, and a determination. What next? Roles needed to be assigned to make sure work was spread amongst the group.
The first rehearsal of the MND Choir 25/02/2024
Project Lead – Tim Stone, Charity Liaison and Staging – Alan Davis, Technology and IT – Andrew Williams, Health Care Liaison and New Choir Liaison (plus ideas man) – Mark Knight-Davis, Venue Liaison – Martin Savery, Sign language and Cwmbran High School Deaf Choir Liaison and General Promotion – Cliff James, General Promotion and Recruitment – Keith Jefferson, and General Promotion – David Williams. Two further members were also asked to assist; Finance Administrator – David Rowlands and Printing and Promotion – Geraint Price. There was one role that no one else really wanted, and we couldn’t think of anyone that could fill the shoes of Music Director for the new choir. Luckily Matthew Harrison had been involved in the PR and Recruitment Team from day one and we offered him the position because we agreed as a team, he had some skills that fitted the requirements for the job. The MND Project organisation team was created. Next thoughts, Recruit, Recruit, Recruit!
Tech Wizard, Andrew Williams (Baritone), also nick-named Q by RMC, was hot in his design process and skills. Within what seemed a blur and only a matter of 5 weeks, we had a recruitment poster, sign up form, a Just Giving team page, MND choir’s own choirmate app (containing scores and audio recordings), a Facebook page and a rehearsal revision Facebook page. 46 signed up eager to begin, thanks to the work of the whole team getting the news out into the wider community, to rugby clubs, and posters in shops. And we must thank members of RMC for coercing friends and relatives.
We enticed them to attend the first rehearsal (Sunday 25th February 2024) with tea, coffee and biscuits. We were armed with welcome packs, music scores (where required), pencils, two specially purchased pencil sharpeners (which are on loan to RMC for their rehearsals also), erasers, plus the charm of MD Matthew Harrison and the organisation team’s enthusiasm. It didn’t take long to get organised into the four parts of the choir (Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Baritone and Bass), the teaching/learning and the hard work commenced. The MeN Do sing 24 choir in aid of the Motor Neurone Disease association (Southeast Wales Branch) was born.
With the MeN Do sing 24 choir in fine voice, for the next few weeks, work continued. Impressive rumblings were coming from the mentors of RMC, comprising the organisation team, and two further assistants, Trevor Baker (Bass) and Ian Meredith (Tenor 1). Now at week 10 with 2 weeks left, the choristers are enthusiastic to perform and whipped into fantastic shape by MD Matthew Harrison. (Note: no choristers were harmed in the creation or maintenance of the MeN Do sing 24 choir).
I’m not going to let you know what the MeN Do sing 24 choir are performing as I’m hoping many of you reading this will want to attend the concert to hear this one-off performance for this amazing charity, celebrating the achievement, dedication and diligence the volunteers have put in. Twelve weeks, three songs (one joint item with Risca Male Choir) MeN Do sing 24 for one night only, a concert with Risca Male Choir in fine voice following their televised appearance on Côr Cymru (S4C Sunday 28th April) and special guests the Cwmbran High School Deaf Choir. It will be a night of fine music, success and fundraising (please bring your wallets/purses, cheque books and credit cards as donations will be gratefully received).
All funds are going directly to the MNDa.
If you are unable to attend but would still like to donate you can do so here:
Further information regarding Motor Neurone Disease can be found here:
Tim Stone
First tenor, MeN Do sing 24 Project lead, RMC PR and Recruitment Team Lead and RMC Librarian