Choristers up close - Kevin Lovett

Kevin Lovett
Section - Bass

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How did you come to join Risca Male Choir?

Maggie (my wife) and I attended the re-arranged Christmas concert at Cross Keys College in February 2011. The ‘Risca Male Choir sings the Movies’ performance had been postponed due to the bad weather. I had never heard the choir previously, despite knowing Cliff Edwards, Trevor Baker and several other choir members for many years. To say I loved it would be an understatement!

Inside the programme was a separate leaflet, which invited anyone who was interested to come to a rehearsal. I kept looking at it, Maggie noticed, and that, was more or less, that!

I went along to the next rehearsal with Cliff Edwards, sat in with the bottom bass section and I’ve been there ever since!

How long have you been with our choir, and what are the things which have helped you stay?

It will be 10 years in February 2021 since I joined.  Fred Tucker (former member of the bass section) was my mentor and I learned so much from him. He had a lovely gentle personality and I really enjoyed singing alongside him.

Each section has its characters and I like to think that the bass section has more than its fair share! Thank you to all of them who have helped me since I joined. The banter and warmth between the sections create a great atmosphere during practices and performances. There is no better feeling, than when we’ve given a good performance and we meet up with partners, friends, and members of the audience for a drink, a chat, and to sing a little more.

I can turn my hand to many things, having worked as an Instrument Tech/ Electrician for a local chemical company for 39 years. I was always more than happy to help Gordon Holley, Mike Sullivan, and Gerry Pritchard with general maintenance of our HQ when needed. So, when I retired 4 years ago, any excuse to get my tools back out and get involved was welcomed.  The HQ building repairs this summer provided such an excuse.  The team had a great time working together, the camaraderie was excellent and the two months it took to complete just flew by.  We just have the inside to finish now!

I am proud to be a part of this wonderful choir and I am grateful to have made so many good friends there, so why would I ever want to leave?

What music do you particularly enjoy singing and why?

I enjoy the challenge of learning the more difficult pieces such as Martin’s arrangement of Bach’s Bist du bei Mir. But I also enjoy the change of mood in the choir when we begin preparing for the themed concerts at Christmas. I’ve particularly enjoyed pieces such as At the end of the day from Les Mis and The Sound of Silence from The Graduate. As soon as these have finished, however, I really look forward to getting back to the more serious stuff! Some of the more challenging pieces for me were Dirait-on (Morten Lauridsen) and Cantique de Jean Racine (Fauré). Learning pieces in so many different languages is challenging, but gives me a great sense of pride when everything comes together. The choir’s version of Nella Fantasia (based on the oboe melody by Ennio Morricone, from The Mission) is also a huge favourite of mine.

Have you had any memorable musical moments that gave you pride and satisfaction?

Maggie loves to come away with the choir and has made many new friends. The tour to Leipzig was our first away trip and singing at the magnificent Cathedral in Naumburg, with its wonderful acoustics, was memorable and extremely atmospheric. Singing at Mass at Thomaskirche in Leipzig and then being asked to sing more for the congregation and visiting tourists was very uplifting.

To be able to sing with the Dalesmen at Saint David’s Cathedral in Pembrokeshire was also a lovely experience for a proud Welshman.

During our last tour to Belgium, we took part in a very moving ceremony at Thiepval, staged concerts at Arras and the Cathedral at Ghent. But the final performance, the Last Post ceremony at the Menin Gate, was an unforgettable and very emotional experience.

I regret not joining the choir earlier, especially when I have been told about some of the wonderful tours and performances of previous years.

 Tell us briefly about your life outside of choir.

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I’m originally from Maesteg and moved to this area in 1980 through work.  I have always enjoyed playing sport, whether it was football, basketball, squash or golf, but now I’m happy with a couple of spin classes and swims each week. I am also learning Spanish, which is proving to be a challenge!

Maggie and I have been married for 43 years; we have 3 daughters and 4 grandchildren all of whom we are very proud of. We love being closely involved with the family and we are looking forward to the end of this pandemic so that we can all go out to our apartment in Spain for a huge celebration.

A final thought, if you have one.

I’ve made some very special friends within this choir and sadly, lost a few as well. As I said, I regret not joining the choir earlier but I’ve heard this same sentiment from so many other choristers. If you are reading this and considering joining, come along. When this pandemic is over, there is a very warm welcome waiting for you.


The never ending story of the upkeep of Risca Male Choir headquarters PART 3


Risca Male Choir Blog #10