Risca Male Choir

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Choristers up close - David Rowlands

David Rowlands - Former Chairman, (2016 - 2018)
Section - Tenor 2

How did you come to join Risca Male Choir?

I have always loved singing: in chapel, junior school ( I remember so well singing in class with the BBC radio programme for schools ‘ Singing Together ‘ ), Pontllanfraith Grammar Technical School choir, sing-alongs on bus trips as a child, and later on at rugby away matches. Being Welsh, playing and enjoying to the full all the social aspects of rugby union, singing continued - in a more raucous fashion – and throughout my college years in Portsmouth Polytechnic.

I was lucky enough to be sent by my parents for piano lessons at an early age, not that I really appreciated this at the time! But at least it gave me a good basic knowledge of music.

After leaving college, I married, lived and worked in Oxford, Reading, Bournemouth, Aldershot and Cardiff in the transport industry. I later moved back to Pontllanfraith and joined the family retail business. Work, children and involvement in the Round Table movement left little time for other activities until around the year 2000 when I decided I wanted to join a male choir. Knowing Julie Bevan, RMC accompanist at the time, and being aware of the big reputation Risca had, it was the natural thing to do - and I never looked back.

How long have you been with our choir, and what are the things which have helped you stay?

I joined the choir in the year 2000, under the chairmanship of Gwyn Tovey. The warm welcome I received and encouragement from Gwyn and particularly those around me in the 2nd tenors, left me in no doubt I had joined the right choir. It took me a while to get up to speed with the high standards required by MD Martin Hodson, but I appreciated the disciplined singing RMC demanded. The choir also seemed full of big characters such as librarian Walter Jones who provided the music, always with the warning about looking after it - he wasn’t providing a replacement!  And I enjoyed the great atmosphere.

So I became more involved and served on the committee for a number of years. I was proud to be chairman of the choir for a short period.

What music do you particularly enjoy singing and why?

At RMC we sing all sorts which to be honest, suits me. I love the lighter programme at Christmas, but by January look forward to the more classical and challenging stuff! I still enjoy singing hymns and the traditional Welsh items, so I really cannot remember thinking a new item was not to my liking.

Have you had any memorable musical moments that gave you pride and satisfaction?

The opportunity to sing with RMC at some of the world’s iconic venues did, and still does, make me feel proud and very privileged. St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, the Mariacki Basilica in Krakow, Thomaskirche in Leipzig, the Millennium Centre in Cardiff ( for Carbon 12 ) and the Last Post ceremony at  Menin Gate in Ypres , spring immediately to mind.

 Tell us briefly about your life outside of choir.

I retired from my job at the end of last year after 50 years, but future plans have not turned out as expected! I have enjoyed my life in rugby, Round Table and now Risca Male Choir, and certainly hope for more of the latter. I have been lucky to travel fairly widely and still hope to do more, particularly with the choir but also when walking and cycling. But for now it’s gardening, ignored household jobs and five grandchildren to keep me busy!

A final thought, if you have one.

With MD Tomos Gwyn, we have the right man to maintain standards and continue the drive forward. We have a great ‘product ‘to sell. We should all spread the message far and wide to potential choristers that RMC is the place to be. Enjoy the craic. Proud to belong.