Choristers up close - Cliff James

Cliff James
Section - 2nd Tenor

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How did you come to join Risca Male Choir?

I had always enjoyed singing from an early age, in fact I was one of the very few boys to sing in the choir at grammar school. In my teens along with friends, we formed a folk group, singing mainly Bob Dylan songs (including protest songs) and travelled around the valleys performing music and sketches mainly for Senior Citizens.

When I met my wife to be, Mavril, her father, Ianto and her brother Arthur Jones were already singing with Risca MC. In 1976 the choir was hosting the German choir from Bous and we hosted a German chorister to help with the arrangements. At the concert I felt somewhat lost and envious when Risca took to the stage. So I joined. Ianto joked he was a little disappointed that I wasn’t a top tenor because he wanted all three of us to stand in a row!

How long have you been with our choir, and what are the things which have helped you stay?

I have now entered my 45th year with the choir, it was said to me early on that the first 30 years would be the worse!

I enjoy the diversity of the music, from Beethoven to the Beatles, along of course with the comradeship, pride and pleasure of performance and sense of belonging.

What music do you particularly enjoy singing and why?

I like and enjoy most forms of music, but if pushed I really did “get a buzz” from performing rousing works such as the Cherubini Requiem, Beowulf and Grendel (Mervyn Burtch), as well as the more sentimental items like Prayer of the Children. Even diverse pieces such as Bristol Roads (Mervyn Burtch) and the precision of Drunken Sailor and Dana Dana.

As I stated I like singing and performing most music, yes, even some dirges!!

Have you had any memorable musical moments that gave you pride and satisfaction?

I’ve had quite a few over the years: Choir of the Year 1982, Eisteddfod Winners 1988, Majestic Male Choir Champions 2013, as well as performances in Carmel Mission and Grace Cathedral in California. If we sing well no matter what concert, no matter what venue, then I’m satisfied and proud.

 Tell us briefly about your life outside of choir.

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Unfortunately, I had to retire earlier than planned due to cardiac problems. I now have 2 Pacemakers, so I’m probably worth a lot in scrap value! When I retired, I was a GP Medical Practice Manager which I thoroughly enjoyed. Previously I had been an HR Manager (that’s Human Resources NOT Human Remains).

I also strive to play indoor bowls now my rugby days appear to have evaporated!

A final thought, if you have one.

I positively look forward to serving the choir in the future with the hope and expectancy to expand mine and the choir's musical boundaries. I am also excited by the thought of achieving my 50 years’ service to Risca Male Choir.


Risca Male Choir Blog #10


Choristers up close - Mike Sullivan