Choristers up close - Alan Davis

Alan Davis - Former Secretary (1997 - 2018)
Section - Baritone

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How did you come to join Risca Male Choir?

This was down to my wife Terry, who worked with late choristers, Richie James and Morris Whitfield. They persuaded her to buy tickets for a concert with the Risca Male Choir and the Band of the Royal Regiment of Wales, held at Crosskeys College, November 1978. After the concert, we were invited back to the Blue Club, Crosskeys, where I got chatting to some of the choristers who asked me if I was interested in joining the choir; a week later I joined. On my first evening at rehearsal I was welcomed by Chairman Gerry Pritchard and Secretary Mike Bevan. The rest is history.

How long have you been with our choir, and what are the things which have helped you stay?

I have been a member of the choir for 42 years. I have served on committee from 1987 to the present, taking on roles as Concert Secretary, Secretary and Tour Manager. I have also been involved with the Building Maintenance team ever since the choir took over our present building in 1987. Serving the choir in these roles has given great satisfaction. I have stayed all that time because of my love of singing, the friends I’ve made within the choir and the choir’s repertoire, which is just phenomenal and so diverse. Who wouldn’t want to be in an organisation that over many years has created a little bit of history?

What music do you particularly enjoy singing and why?

With the choir’s repertoire being so diverse, it’s hard to choose. I know we all love the big “Amen”! But I particularly enjoy singing quieter as well as rhythmic pieces. Some old favourites of mine include Hela’r Sgyfarnog (Hunting the Hare) arranged by Mervyn Burtch,  Zitti Zitti (Verdi, Rigoletto),  Steal Away to Jesus (arranged by Alwyn Humphreys), Hungarian folk song Dana Dana (which is back in the repertoire), and Pie Jesu (Requiem in D Minor by Cherubini).  Singing this type of music makes you more disciplined and brings out the best in the choir. And sung correctly, our audiences love them.

Have you had any memorable musical moments that gave you pride and satisfaction?

I have lots of wonderful memories, but far too many to list. Firstly, the choir’s competition successes. Those achievements were down to blood, sweat and hard work, and with Martin’s artistry, the choir performed to the highest standards, pleasing both audiences and adjudicators. Lifting those trophies gave me great satisfaction.

Other memorable moments include the concert in Carmel Mission, California in 1986. This was my favourite venue out of all our three USA tours. Then there was The Maltings, Snape on our tour to Suffolk, October 2004. The Maltings concert hall was the brainchild of Benjamin Britten. We were given a tour of the concert hall by the caretaker and his wife. At the end of the tour we were invited to test the acoustics of the building. We sang Calm is the sea into the breath-taking acoustics. How many remember that? Then there was Naumburg Cathedral near Leipzig which is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This was where the acoustics rang around the Cathedral and resounded to hit you in the back of the head.

Tell us briefly about your life outside of choir.

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I spent 42 years working in local authorities Park Services/Bereavement Services. My favourite pass times, apart from singing, includes my family first and foremost. Terry and I like to support our son Craig and his partner Sarah who are both members of Christchurch Music Society. As well as performing on stage Sarah is also the society’s Chairperson. Craig’s main role is lighting the shows they perform, he is also an active member of 1st Abercarn Scout Group of which I held the position of Group Chairperson for three years. My other interests include DIY, gardening, and woodturning. The latter I’ve not done for about 25 years, so I recently raided the piggy bank and have just purchased a new woodturning lathe to keep me busy during lock down.

A final thought, if you have one.

I hope under the choir’s talented music team, Music Director Tomos Gwyn and Accompanist Alison Thomas, Risca Male Choir will go from strength to strength and continue the tradition of Male Choral singing. I sincerely hope that the newer members within the choir get the opportunity to perform in the prestigious venues and compete in competition as we older members have done. “Win, lose or draw, it’s a victory for all”, and it will be a wonderful and special experience for all.


Risca Male Choir Blog #9


Risca Male Choir Sings the Shows