Choristers up close - John Lacy

John Lacy - Secretary
Section - Tenor 2

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How did you come to join Risca Male Choir?

My wife used to work with Gordon Holley's wife Jeanette. We started to go out with Gordon & Jeanette, Dennis Morgan & June, Billy Webb & Christine, Doug Prout & Marina and Morris Pearson & Margaret. All five of them were in Risca Male Choir so it was inevitable that I'd be hooked eventually.

How long have you been with our choir, and what are the things which have helped you stay?

I joined the Choir in June 1977. The friendships and the music have kept me ever since.

What music do you particularly enjoy singing and why?

Practically every piece of music has its own attraction, or even a bit of magic. Mozart's Chorus of Priests from The Magic Flute is beautiful, uncluttered and sounds so good. Martin Hodson’s arrangement of A Balm in Gilead is also enjoyable, with that rare thing, a mainly second tenor melody. As a contrast the jagged excitement of the Matthias Gloria always causes a stir. Basically most pieces sung well will be enjoyable.

Have you had any memorable musical moments that gave you pride and satisfaction?

Winnng Choir of the Year at St David's Hall in 1982

Successfully performing Owain ab Urien at Caerphilly Castle after only a short rehearsal with the accompanying brass & percussion ensemble.

Tell us briefly about your life outside of choir

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Now retired after a 44 year career in finance my time is taken up by family life. My wife Paddy spoils me with her cooking and my daughter Anna, ably assisted by her sons Elisha and Ezra, keep me busy and make my hair greyer every time we meet.

It is very frustrating that Covid-19 has interrupted our regular forays into the local restaurants in search of local delicacies.

For the last couple of years I have been Choir Secretary which eats into my spare time and tests my typing ability-I still have delusions that I can type minutes without regularly looking up and checking what is actually on the screen.

A final thought, if you have one

Family, friends, pets and interests are all transient and should be cherished and enjoyed every day-no one knows what tomorrow may bring.


Choristers up close - Christopher Davies


Risca Male Choir Blog #6