Risca Male Choir

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“A picture is worth a thousand words” – Risca Male Choir’s GALLERY

I’m sure we’re all aware of the old adage, and can relate to a photo that has made a lasting impression on us, whether we’ve seen it in a press release, or a private image taken on a phone.

With this in mind, I thought our choir should launch a gallery so that we can look back and share events in the life of Risca Male Choir from its beginning in 1970 to the present.

These days, almost all of us have photos at home; some of these images no doubt well organised and put into albums, others on our walls nicely framed, and many more in shoe boxes in the attic! But they all have something to say. My family and friends love occasionally looking back over many years at our photo collection of holidays, special events and local scenes. Those sessions often raise a laugh as we see ourselves 30 or 40 years ago, and sometimes a tear as we remember those no longer with us.

Fortunately, at Risca Male Choir, we have quite a collection of photos, many of which are displayed on the walls of our headquarters in Risca. Others are safely stored in files and folders in our library. It is largely from this collection that I’ve been able to put together something of a gallery to share with our followers from at home and around the world. I’ve been selective: it would be pointless, and indeed counterproductive, merely to load hundreds of random images. Rather, we have items from the earliest known pictures of the choir to the latest, forming a visual record of our history, more of which you can learn from elsewhere on our website. I hope the gallery will mean much to readers who have actually been singing members of the choir, or have had dads, grandads, and uncles that have served with us. They can explore the group photos and identify their loved ones. We hope the search will give you a great sense of pride and many happy memories.

These days, photos are taken in their billions (1.8 billion uploaded every day apparently) and are instantly shared across social platforms. We hope our gallery will be celebrated in similar fashion!

Most of the photos in our gallery have been taken by a father and son team. Trevor Baker has been a long serving member of the bass section of RMC and is always ready with his camera to snapshot at concerts or days out with the boys. His eldest son, Dai (David), is a prize winning, professional photographer, and his magnificent photos have captured many of our concerts over decades. I’m most grateful to them both for their contributions. Thanks also go to second tenor, Chris Davies for his help in locating other photos used in the gallery.

We hope you will enjoy our collection.

Martin Hodson MBE
Music Director Emeritus